
In such a random mood today, dont have much to post about. Still doing exams, had one this morning, didn't go as well as hoped, but what can you do? 8 down, only 4 to go. I finish on the 21st, so will have to treat myself after it... a nice cup of coffee in my favourite coffee shop sounds good! Not like I havent been there anyway... twice already this week... opps.
Theres a lot happening in me at the minute, lots of God-stuff, and stuff with family and friends too. Seems to be 'going around' currently, have noticed a few of you guys posting about 'therapy blogs' and the likes... well, mine is a kind of therapy in letting me get my thoughts out and written down, but not in the really personal sense where I tell you all my deepest, darkest secrets! Sorry, that stuffs reserved for my closest buds. I may post more on the topic, or what God is doing with me, as I feel lead...
the more you can air our your mind the better youll feel & the fewer will be your yearnings. speak the truth & shame the devil
5:13 pm
Emma, you take lovely pictures! I like your posts too. . they're always honest and godly and cool too!
4:57 am
thanks kathryn, i try to be honest at least! been getting back into photography a lot lately, loving it. Am getting a nice new camera in a few weeks so will be out playing with that... no doubt you will see the results!
6:14 pm
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