So tired...
I have had soooo little sleep over the last few days! Last night was the Exodus commissioning service, so I met up with the guys on my team. We had a great night, the service was fantastic and it felt so short, even though it was half ten before the service finished, and another hour before we actually left! After that we headed out round to Portstewart for some scran, and then down onto the beach. (Go Pizza Express, by the way, great food!)
By the time I got home and into bed it was 2 am. We then had a fundraising event this morning, a car boot sale, and we were meeting at 6 am to set up etc. So I was out of bed again at 5 am - a whole 3 hours in bed! Great fun. As you can imagine I am knackered now, and am just about to get ready and head to work! Hopefully it will be a nice quiet night, just ally and me in tonight I think.
More later... maybe when I wake out of this semi-zombie like state!
waken up!!
11:27 am
waken up!!
11:27 am
i'm awake!
12:52 pm
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