
The old weblog of Emma Boyd :: now blogging at
I went to the park on Saturday afternoon and took some pictures, it was such a beautiful afternoon...
I have had soooo little sleep over the last few days! Last night was the Exodus commissioning service, so I met up with the guys on my team. We had a great night, the service was fantastic and it felt so short, even though it was half ten before the service finished, and another hour before we actually left! After that we headed out round to Portstewart for some scran, and then down onto the beach. (Go Pizza Express, by the way, great food!)
Last night a guy from Calvery Chapel spoke at the Wash Basin, and it was a great night. Think the thing I took from it most was simply to appreciate the word 'so' - a word that implies the following word cannot posibly describe what it wants to convey. For example 'so great' meaning its greater than the word great can describe.
... No more exams!! Happy days. Man its been too long since I last posted... sorry guys. Exams are finally over, had my last one this morning, ICT module 2. Went well i think! Now that they're out of the way I have a bit more free time to concentrate on important stuff - like SonShine week, and the likes.
Have you every really thought about the power of music? I was listening to an album today, and got to thinking about all the situations it's used in- in films, adverts, shops, even a soundtrack to our own lives. Music seems to have some kind of magical quality about it that can produce all sorts of emotions and feelings within us. What is it about music than can do that to me? Is it the lyrics? The melody? What? There was a really good discussion on the philosphy of music on the Down to Earth forum, you can check it out here. Well, it took a while to get into it, but if you perserver there are some interesting points raised.