The old weblog of Emma Boyd :: now blogging at

Friday, January 27, 2006


Tagged by kathryn!

4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life

1. Sales assistant etc, Audio Audio (local specialist hi-fi shop)
2. Waitress, Skandia Resturant
3. Waitress, Upper Room

4 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over

1. The Matrix (original one!)
2. A Beautiful Mind
3. Fern Gully
4. The Constant Gardener

4 Places You Have Lived

1. Where i was born
2. Where i live now (about 3 miles from where i was born!)

4 TV Shows You Love to Watch

1. House
2. C.S.I.
3. The Apprentice
4. Numb3rs

4. Places You Have Been on Vacation

1. New Zealand
2. America
3. Holland
4. Germany

4 Websites You Visit Daily

1. Hotmail
2. Blogger
3. Amazon
4. Apple

4 Favorite Foods

1. Pretty much any form of Italian
2. Christmas dinner... all the trimmings
3. A really nicely cooked steak
4. Pizza (yea, i know its Italian, but its good ok!!)

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now

1. New Zealand
2. Waterstones
3. The Wash Basin
4. Delft

4 People You Tag to complete this
1. Ally (thats it!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Are you ready? Here we go...

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Hamilton Lake, Hamilton, New Zealand

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The Peoples Park, Ballymena, Northern Ireland

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One Tree Hill, Auckland, New Zealand

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The Meadows, Edinburgh, Scotland

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Prayer

"May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom, and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain into joy.

And may God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done.


[A Franciscan Benediction]

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Coming soon...

... The 'Park' Post!

I have a fascination with parks... I really love them! So coming soon is a post with some pics from a few of my favourite parks!

Thats all for now!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Only me on my knees
Singing holy, holy
And somehow all that matters now is
You are holy, holy

[Nicole Nordeman lyrics]

I am spent.

This journey... its hard to find words to describe it. I've been taking more time lately to just be with God. Making time for just me and Him. Private praise in my bedroom. A walk along the beach in prayer. A drive with music drawing me closer to Him. Getting up earlier before school to have more time to read my Bible. And I love it.

I'm growing closer to God. And at the same time, He's pushing me out further - giving me opportunities to witness, God-conversations with friends, opportunities to encourage and inspire. Enlarging my teritory and blessing me indeed.

Its exhilirating... and tiring. Finding a balance. I feel spent... my life poured out for Gods glory... and I've never felt more alive.

Those lyrics are so perfectly me right now. It's all that matters... Lord, You are holy.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hemmed In

Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes;
I will wall her in so she cannot find her way.
She will chase after her lovers but not catch them;
she will look for them but not find them.
[Hosea 2:6-7]

I came across this verse today when I was reading 'Captivating'. It just hit me. This is what God is doing. Does it ever cross your mind that maybe our struggles aren't always from the devil? I was thinking about this today. Sometimes God has to put things in our way, stop us in our tracks, to stop us doing stupid things, things He doesnt have for us. Sometimes (for example, in my disappointment in being single) God puts our struggles there to make us see that He is the only one who can truly fill our needs. The pain we experience is actually what saves us. Jesus has to thwart our plans of self-redemption, otherwise we'd never really look to Him for our complete rescue. Yes, we might ask for salvation... but we'd never truly depend on Him for eveyrthing. Inside, we wouldn't trust.

So theres my thoughts for today... the pain is what saves me.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Heart Cry

God I want to know you more.... Please... I really just want to know you more.

Let me see your face.

I want to know you more.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Maths C3

So, I had an exam today, my first maths module (counts towards my final mark!), thought you might like to see it, saying as I keep going on about how much I love maths! I thought it was pretty good, the last question, 8ii was deadly, but hey, i took a guess! So here it is...

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If anyone works out the last answer, let me know!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


"I know I am not alone in this nagging sense of failing to measure up, a feeling of not being good enough as a woman. Every woman I've ever met feels it - something deeper than just the sense of failing at what she does. An underlying, gut feeling of failing at who she is. I am not enough, and, I am too much at the same time. Not pretty enough, not thin enough, not kind enough, not gracious enough, not disciplined enough. But too emotional, too needy, too sensitive, too strong, too opinionated, too messy. The result is Shame, the universal companion of women. It haunts us, nipping at our heels, feeding on our deepest fear that we will end up abandoned and alone.

After all, if we were better women - whatever that means - life wouldn't be so hard. Right? We wouldn't have so many struggles; there would be less sorrow in our hearts. Why is it so hard to create meaningfull friendships and sustain them? Why do our days seem so unimportant, filled not with romance and adventure but with duties and demands? We feel unseen, even by those who are closest to us. We feel unsought - that no one has the passion or the courage to pursue us, to get past our messiness to find the woman deep inside. And we feel uncertain - uncertain what it even means to be a woman; uncertain what it truly means to be femine; uncertain if we are or ever will be.

Aware of our deep failings, we pour contempt on our own hearts for wanting more. Oh, we long for intimacy and for adventure; we long to be the Beauty of some great story. But the desires set deep in our hearts seem like a luxury, granted only to those women who get their acts together. The message to the rest of us - whether from a driven culture or a driven church - is try harder."

[John + Stasi Eldredge, Captivating]

Really long quote today guys I know, but bear with me. I started reading this new book this morning - I have been wanting to read it for a long time, but this morning a friend passed it on to me to read... and its strange. I cant put it down, and yet I have to at times, I come so close to tears (which is probably not a good idea sitting in school!). It feels like it was wrote just for me. Ever had that?

I mean, girls (women)... what do you think of this? I guess this is prob one of the areas I struggle with most often, trusting that I am made beautiful in Christ and He loves me and knows whats best for me - and has the best for me. So many times I've wondered what was wrong with ME for wanting more, was I wrong for wanting more, does God not have more for me?

Any thoughts?

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Flicks

How come love and romance is never like it is in the movies? No matter how complicated it is in films, it always works out, the girl always gets the guy. How come it cant be like that in life, just once?

Why's it always a struggle? Complicated? Why's love never just... simple.

I want a guy who will love me the way I need to be loved, who will make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. Who will look after me, be affectionate with me, take the lead. Someone who will let me love them.

Where is that guy? And what happens when you thought you found him? Am i just supposed to forget about him entirely? Forget what it felt like to be with him... what it still feels like when i'm around him?

I see him so often, we hang out, we spend time together. It's great. And at the same time, its heartbreaking. Because the more I am with him, the more I see of him, his character, his heart, his love for God... the more I want to be with him.

Friday, January 06, 2006

These lonely dreams...

Look at yesterdays post, 'yes'. Funny how your feelings change so quickly.

Over the last few days, I've really felt an awful lot more, the cost of my dreams. Remember when I shared the vision God gave my Exodus team of Generation 24, a generation seeking after Gods' face? Thats the vision. Translating it into school... seeing a school come alive to the glory of God. That's the dream.

But man, is it costly. Been hard watching friends fall away from God, not really want Him so much anymore. Been hard trying to lead CU with the integrity and vision God longs to see. Its been hard not having the kinda of accountability I'd like to have.

These dreams cost everything.

Are they worth it? YES! I still want to see my dreams realised. I long to see Jesus enthroned in my life, in CU, in the whole school, in the community... worldwide.

Yes, these dreams cost. But this is what I was born for... I'm ready.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Yes to everything You ask of me.
Yes to following You.
Yes without a blueprint.
Yes to giving up what You ask.
Yes to taking up what You ask.
Yes to trusting You.
Yes for however long it takes.
Yes, no matter what follows, Yes to You.

Yes to everything You ask of me.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Argh... back to school. That sucks. Its kinda scary now... I'm actually leaving school THIS YEAR. Going to uni or whatever. Flip. Got an exam next week that I should be revising for now, but clearly, I'm procrastinating.

We got talking in economics class today about Christmas and presents and stuff, heres an , hmm whats the right verb?... interesting, no... worrying... statistic.

In the UK the average amount spent on Christmas presents per person is £250.
Thats roughly $500.

There are more than 2 BILLION people who live on less than $1 a day (i.e. $365 a year).

Do you get that? There are more than 2 billion people (roughly 2000 times the population of Northern Ireland) who have less money to live on in a year, than is spent on us in one Christmas. That really shocked me. How can I live like that? How can I not make sacrifices in the face of such overwhelming poverty? I think I can maybe do without that new camera, or that new phone, or that new computer screen i wanted...

2 billion people... $1 a day

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

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And so a new year has dawned.

My goals for this year:
  • Tithe with every pay check, not just the ones I think I can afford.
  • Develop the creativity God has put within me, especially photography.
  • Give me 'love-life' to God - He's got it sorted!

I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made.
But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong:
By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal,
where God is beckoning us onward--to Jesus.
I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.
So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us.
If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment,
God will clear your blurred vision--you'll see it yet!
Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it.
[Philipians 3:12-16]

Have a great God-filled year!