The old weblog of Emma Boyd :: now blogging at

Monday, May 30, 2005


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Just a little quote today, from Bob Gass I believe:

"Loneliness is not lack of people around you, but lack of direction in your life."

What does anyone else think?

Sunday, May 29, 2005


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It has been such a beautiful evening, I went out and took some pictures around my house again. The picture above is the view in front of my house, the sunset was just too beautiful to not photograph. How great is our God eh?!

first time...

"Through these misty eyes, It's plain to see,
Even though you're here, you're not with me.
Tortured by the thought, torn in two,
Reason needs no voice, when you know its true...

I try to speak, but my tongue gets tied,
I try to seek, But you're hard to find,
My will is weak, 'cause my heart's resigned,
It's like I'm seeing you for the first time."

My will is weak because my heart's resigned... it's like i'm seeing you for the first time.

Not sure what it is about those lyrics, but they strick a chord with me at the minute.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Currently playing...

I havent made much of my love of music yet on here, so I thought today I'd post a 'currently playing' list of some stuff Im listening to at the minute...

Alison Krauss and Union Station - Lonely Runs Both Ways
Passion - How Great Is Our God (Live Worship from Passion 05)
Ray Charles - Genius Loves Company
Foy Vance - Indescriminate Act Of Kindness (single track)
Damien Rice - O
Third Day - Wire
Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Viaticum
Norah Jones - Feels Like Home

Have also just found out that e.s.t. are playing in Belfast tomorrow night... and I can't go!! NOOOO!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


At last! It was my last day of school today... until septemer... except for exams. doesnt seem that significant when you write it like that. I must admit today i've been feeling very... whats the word? Oh i dont know! I've been in a very strange mood anyway. Half times totally looped, hyper, half times falling asleep. Seems to be a recurring thing now, has happened a few times. Wonder what causes it?

' Why would you ever complain, O Jacob,
or, whine, Israel, saying,
"God has lost track of me.
He doesn't care what happens to me"?
Dont you know anything? Haven't you been listening?
God doesn't come or go. God lasts.
He's creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch His breath.
And He knows everything, inside and out.
He energizes those who get tired,
gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out,
young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strenght.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don't get tired,
they walk and don't lag behind.'
[Isaiah 40:27-31 The Message]

Monday, May 23, 2005

Rising to the call...

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Do you want to accept a challenge that will be the integrating dynamic of your whole life? One that will engage your loftiest thoughts, your most dedicated exertions, your deepest emotions, all your abilities and resources, to the last step you take and the last breath you breathe? Do you want to be His, entirely His, at all costs His, and forever His so that secondary things remain so and first things are always first?
[Os Guinness]


I want to live for a cause that so captivates me that my every breath goes to fulfilling it, till the very day I stand before my King. I want to be consumed by Him. Completley, 100% sold out for His glory. Forever and ever.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Time flies...

So tomorrow morning I have 2 maths modules- a wonderful 3 hours straight of maths. To be honest, I think it should be ok, theres just a few topics I dont really understand- like the binomial theorem, i mean whats that all about??! But by this time tomorrow, I will have two-thirds of my AS level done! Nice thought. Scary too, seems like only yesterday I was just starting into sixth form. Makes me wonder if i've spent my time wisely. What have I done to see Jesus Christ enthroned? Sometimes I have to admit, I've done nothing. I've been weak and timid and not spoken up when I should. But I take heart in knowing that God chooses to use the weak and foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
I think something I've been reveling in a lot more lately than anytime before, is simply the greatness of God. His majesty. His power. His glory. His all-consuming fire. How great is our God?!!

"Your name and Your renown are the desires of our hearts."
Isaiah 26:8

Thursday, May 19, 2005


"Every revolution demands revolutionaries, high-spirited people who dream of a day when things will be different, better. But revolutionaries do more than dream. They give their best to the cause. They relentlessly serve the collective effort.

All that is needed is a ragtag group of spirited revolutionaries who believe it can happen and are willing to take the first step."
[Bill Hybels]

Thats the question. Will you take the first step? Whatever your dream, whatever your cause- will you take the first step?

I desire to see Jesus Christ enthroned in Ballymena Academy, to be a part of the generation that seeks His face. Will I take the first step?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


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Nothing particularly exciting with me today, have had quite a busy day with different stuff thats been going on. Had my first AS level exam today, physics practicle- not good. Really difficult stuff but hey what can you do?! Thought i'd post another sunset picture today, they're just so pretty and I love them!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Is this the beginning?...

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Camping at Rod's was great, we had such an awesome time. Sat up half the night (some of the guys ended up just falling asleep around the camp fire), spent some time just worshipping, praising God in the bottom of the field, in the still of the night. There were so many stars in the sky, it was beautiful! Seriously, i've never noticed it so much before.

As we sat around the fire, I was reminded of the day the Holy Spirit came, and descended like tongues of flames. On a Friday night I would normally be at Pulse after our team meeting, but i missed it to go camping with these guys- it was the last night. As i've since found out, God did a big thing at Pulse on Friday. Many people recommitted themselves to Christ, or made that desicion for the first time. As I look back, I cant help but think, but wonder- dream, even- that this is the start of a new revival. I spent a long time while camping just staring at the moon, and reminding myself of the prophecy of Joel:

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of Jehovah cometh. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Jehovah shall be delivered; for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those that escape, as Jehovah hath said, and among the remnant those whom Jehovah doth call.
[Joel 2: 28-32]

Thats the vision the started the 24/7 Prayer movement rolling - a red moon rising, a generation learning to pray as never before. Is this the begining?

The big thing our Exodus team has been captivated by is the vision of 'Generation 24':

Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who does not lift up his soul to another or swear by what is false.
He will receive blessing from the Lord
And vindication from God his Saviour.
Such is the generation of those who seek him,
Who seek your face O God of Jacob.
[Psalm 24:3-6]

Thats our passion, our dream. To be a generation who seek His face.

Is this the beginning?

Friday, May 13, 2005


So tonight i'm going camping with my wonderful wee Exodus team! Seriously, awesome bunch of guys, its incredible the deep and possibly strategic friendships God has already created in us!
We just thought it'd be fun to go camping together, even thought we're only camping out on Roddys farm, somewhere near Carnalbana! Should be fun. Weather has been absolutley beautiful here the last few days, so lets hope it continues.

I find that I feel closer to God, like, I find it easier to pray etc, when i'm out enjoying His creation. Just seems to flow naturally in those situations. Love to walk and talk with my Dad. Tis awesome. Until we blog again...

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Well yesterday I took the day off school and went to Balmoral Show - great fun! Watched a (very small) bit of the cattle judging with dad, good for a bit of bonding you know, and just generally pottered about. The afternoon was very nice indeed, took a trip into Belfast for a bit of shopping and stuff.
I found this great wee cafe-type place, called Flour, which makes crepes with all sorts of toppings. For example, I had a savoury crepe with bacon and maple syrup- sounds weird I know, but it was sooo good!! They had lots of other random toppings on the menu, like 'sweet and sour chicken with cheese', 'belgian chocolate with mini marshmallows', and 'ham cheese and pinapple.' Loving it!

Hmm so yes, now I wish I was back in Flour...

Monday, May 09, 2005

The future...

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So yea, exams are coming up on me fast, and the careers teachers are hounding me for draft UCAS forms and making choices about university and the rest of my life! So heres my thoughts on it...

"What happens if you're not sure where you're going, only who you're going with and how?
What happens if you're in it for the ride rather that the results?
What happens if friendship is more important than function?"

It's all about the ride guys.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

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Just as the world changed forever with the invention of the prinitng press and the industrial revolution, so this generation stands at a time of profound social change...

A generation that finds itself in the crux of such a change has a significant responsibility for shaping the new ways of thinking that will define its own age but also that of the coming era.

Will Jesus Christ be famous and favoured in the coming age, or will he be a peripheral choice on the menu of social preference? You can call the culture 'progressive, 'emerging' or 'postmodern', but the challenge is the same: to reinvent the church without changing the message, to reach this generation for the sake of the age to come.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


God's been teaching me some cool stuff lately, mostly through the PDYM book. I've had this phrase stuck in my head all day...

"I want them to live their lives with eyes that are searching and hearts that are beating with compassion for their lost friends."

I read that and I just thought, is that me? And I know that it isn't really, because if I really, truly grasped the reality of heaven and hell, I would be out there with my mates as much as I could be, telling them about Jesus.

Thought I'd leave you with a question, answers would be nice!...

Whats God been saying to you lately?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


So today I had the privilage of being involved in what I guess was my first role as CU president (yea... i got made CU president for the year 05/06, how cool is that!). Helen and myself (last years president) had an interview with 2 guys from the Ballymena YouthBank to see if we could get some money for CU from them. We were actually pretty nervous before it, just not sure what to expect or whatever, but it went well I think... we just talked about stuff we hope to do, like girls night/guys night/band night...

Girls night...
We already had a trial run at this event... Just did lots of random girly things, like hair and make-up demos, facials, manicures, dance mats, chick flick... was class, we had about 80 people there, including people who wouldnt normally darken the doorways of Thursday CU meetings.

Guys night...
Actually ended up being an afternoon. The guys hired the Astroturf pitch and organised a football tournament, and awarded a trophy. Think we got about 50 guys along to that.

Band night...
This is kinda a development from our TNTs... having a band to lead us in praise, and then a speaker. To be honest, I'm kinda questioning the purpose of this event. It started off as for non-Christians, but we dont really get many along to it, so i'm thinking possibly make it more for Christians, as a chance to worship together, and really pray for our school and our friends.

So yea, the interview went pretty well, should find out within a few weeks if we get a grant... keep praying!

(Oh, thats Ballymena Academy Christian Union, for anyone who doesnt know me! Lol.)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

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I love sunsets. Took this outside my house one night. Beautiful.

what a wonderful day...

Been pretty sick all day so that's been fun! Not! Back to school again, was not nice to get up so early again- maybe thats what brought on the headache? Who knows.

It's just dawned on me today that my AS's are in less than 3 weeks time- i feel like i should really be worried about that, or at least be worried enough to start revising! I have two maths modules on the same morning to kick off exam season in style!

I think I verge between over-confident, and not confident enough. A good friend of mine commented on Saturday how I never say i'm good at something (maybe not confident enough?), but when it comes to exams I think i'm a little over-confident! Yes, I do well in them (usually), but I know if I just put in even a little more work I could easily come out with even better results. AS is so different to GCSE, really think I must go do some work...

Monday, May 02, 2005

so here it is...

Well, Ally, I finally got around to getting my very own blog... so here it is! How exciting, my first post.
Have had a fairly uneventful day today, was at work most of the day, but it was nice to have some time to lie in and just chill around the house for a change- no rush for school!
I have just finished reading Purpose Driven Youth Ministry this afternoon (another benefit of lazy days with no school etc) - great book. It has filled me with lots of new ideas and strategies for CU in the next year, far too many to list them all now but i will fill you in as i begin to make sense of them all.
For now, heres what im thinking...

'When you understand why your ministry exists, you will want to more carefully focus your time.'
'If you are a leader who lives out the purposes, you will pull people instead of push them.'
'Don't allow doing the work of God to come at the expense of being God's person.'
'In all of your communication, express your heart; we want to see students grow spiritually.'

I guess what im saying is that im being reminded of how important it is for me to spend quality time with God. The more i see of Him, the more others will see of Him in me.