
Just a little quote today, from Bob Gass I believe:
What does anyone else think?
The old weblog of Emma Boyd :: now blogging at http://emmsy.wordpress.com
I havent made much of my love of music yet on here, so I thought today I'd post a 'currently playing' list of some stuff Im listening to at the minute...
At last! It was my last day of school today... until septemer... except for exams. doesnt seem that significant when you write it like that. I must admit today i've been feeling very... whats the word? Oh i dont know! I've been in a very strange mood anyway. Half times totally looped, hyper, half times falling asleep. Seems to be a recurring thing now, has happened a few times. Wonder what causes it?
So tomorrow morning I have 2 maths modules- a wonderful 3 hours straight of maths. To be honest, I think it should be ok, theres just a few topics I dont really understand- like the binomial theorem, i mean whats that all about??! But by this time tomorrow, I will have two-thirds of my AS level done! Nice thought. Scary too, seems like only yesterday I was just starting into sixth form. Makes me wonder if i've spent my time wisely. What have I done to see Jesus Christ enthroned? Sometimes I have to admit, I've done nothing. I've been weak and timid and not spoken up when I should. But I take heart in knowing that God chooses to use the weak and foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
So tonight i'm going camping with my wonderful wee Exodus team! Seriously, awesome bunch of guys, its incredible the deep and possibly strategic friendships God has already created in us!
Well yesterday I took the day off school and went to Balmoral Show - great fun! Watched a (very small) bit of the cattle judging with dad, good for a bit of bonding you know, and just generally pottered about. The afternoon was very nice indeed, took a trip into Belfast for a bit of shopping and stuff.
God's been teaching me some cool stuff lately, mostly through the PDYM book. I've had this phrase stuck in my head all day...
So today I had the privilage of being involved in what I guess was my first role as CU president (yea... i got made CU president for the year 05/06, how cool is that!). Helen and myself (last years president) had an interview with 2 guys from the Ballymena YouthBank to see if we could get some money for CU from them. We were actually pretty nervous before it, just not sure what to expect or whatever, but it went well I think... we just talked about stuff we hope to do, like girls night/guys night/band night...
Been pretty sick all day so that's been fun! Not! Back to school again, was not nice to get up so early again- maybe thats what brought on the headache? Who knows.
Well, Ally, I finally got around to getting my very own blog... so here it is! How exciting, my first post.